Bernd-Thomas Hohmann
Interim manager with expertise in the areas of restructuring, transformation and sales
You are looking for support in the sustainable reorganization of your company or implementing value-adding projects? As a management-proven problem solver with methodical competence, I am available to your company as a manager on demand.
In this role, I actively partner with executive boards, divisional management, or serve as a general manager, sales manager, troubleshooter, or project manager on an interim basis to provide solutions and support implementation.

From mechanical engineering to healthcare, with a focus on customers and markets. At home in both industry and distribution, providing capital equipment and consumables that require explanation.
Often, these are complex restructurings or transformations that sometimes have to be successfully implemented under high corporate pressure. Always to bring the company on course for long-term success.
With proven foresight, I take into account the follow-on effects on the sales channel or the shop floor when implementing operational change.
A real added value for your business
- Interim Management
“Interim managers are problem solvers with leadership experience and strong execution skills. They are available to a company at short notice for specific tasks and a limited time. They create entrepreneurial added value.” (AIMP)
- Industrial Advisor
“Industrial advisors are independent external advisors who, thanks to their extensive and long-standing industry expertise, are available to an investor at short notice before an investment or a company sale, e.g. for preparing a commercial due diligence.”
- Board Advisors
“Board advisors are independent consultants who, as members of committees such as supervisory boards and advisory boards, provide long-term support to the executive boards of a company and advice on strategic topics based on their long-standing management and industry experience.
Interim Management
Successful mandates
A selection of the projects I have successfully completed as an interim manager, industry consultant and advisory board member.
Interim project manager and management consultant for one of Germany's TOP 50 family businesses
For the further business development of an international production and development cooperation with the Japanese world market leader. The mandate was preceded by extensive analysis by major consulting firms…
The aim was to develop the governance structure for future collaboration between the two companies in this segment. Coopetition challenge: There was a partial competitive situation between the client and its customer. Persistence, intercultural understanding of the German, Japanese and Italian mindsets, and the diplomatic finesse of a seasoned executive were the keys to success.
Industrial company, 23,000 staff, EUR 5.4 bn
Are you facing a similar challenge? -> Please give me a call or write me a short message and I will contact you immediately for an introductory meeting (link to contact form)
Country Manager ad interim for a British diagnostic products manufacturer
Local manager and management and leadership of a national sales and service team in Germany. The long-serving country manager in Germany was on long-term sick leave. The organization could not…
be managed remotely from the UK due to pandemic conditions. The organization’s processes were strained by high levels of absenteeism and vacancies, and budget performance was threatened. A hands-on mentality, dedicated leadership of field, office and technical service staff, and a good command of English were key success factors.
Industrial company and part of listed healthcare group, 300 staff, GBP 30 m
Are you facing a similar challenge? -> Please give me a call or write me a short message and I will contact you immediately for an introductory meeting.
CEO: Transformation from a traditional wholesale branch operation to an omnichannel retail and service provider
Comprehensive digital transformation, the acquisition of an online pure player, reducing branches in favor of supra-regional experience centers and the transition of a centrally managed…
organization into a ‘competent second tier’ were on the agenda. The development of a sustainable strategy as well as perseverance and persistence proved to be important factors for success.
Trading company, 750 staff, EUR 230 m
Are you facing a similar challenge? -> Please give me a call or write me a short message and I will contact you immediately for an introductory meeting
Advisory board member during the restructuring stage
Traditional mid-sized wholesaler (B2B) that had already been restructured and now belonged to a PE company. The company was severely affected by the pandemic and market changes…
An advisory board member with many years of extensive industry experience was appointed to advise the PE shareholder and mentor the new management team, which came from outside the industry.
Trading company, 550 staff, EUR 100 m
Are you facing a similar challenge? -> Please give me a call or write me a short message and I will contact you immediately for an introductory meeting
CEO: The successful recapitalization has enabled the company to be sold to a hospital group
A classic restructuring in a tight timeframe: negative equity and stagnant cash flow:
- PMO set up…
- The project’s business was found to be deficient, and as a result, it has been discontinued
- Introducing of factoring
- Preparation of IDW S 6 report together with auditing firm
- A new financing concept is being developed in collaboration with a private equity shareholder and a consortium of banks
Distribution and service providers in the field of healthcare, 360 staff, EUR 180 m
Are you facing a similar challenge? -> Please give me a call or write me a short message and I will contact you immediately for an introductory meeting
Interim CRO & Managing Director for a mid-sized provider of services in the field of physiotherapy and occupational therapy in Germany
The tasks in this interim mandate included Setting up a PMO and implementing the restructuring plan, introducing a new governance structure and reporting to banks and the shareholder.
As a result, I was able to train and coach the new permanent management team, consisting of the COO and CFO. During the interim period, the portfolio was further optimized by closure and divestments of therapy centres. Growth and improved results were achieved by increasing billing rates.
Healthcare provider, 1,200 staff, > EUR 50 m
Are you facing a similar challenge? -> Please give me a call or write me a short message and I will contact you immediately for an introductory meeting.

Bernd-Thomas Hohmann
Business economist
, General Management diploma (SGMI),
Certified restructuring and reorganization consultant (IfUS)
My vita
Bernd-Thomas Hohmann
Since 2021
Interim Manager | Industrial Advisor | Board Advisor
- CRO & Managing Director of a medium-sized healthcare provider
Nationwide provider of physiotherapy services (02-04/2024) - Interim Project Manager & Management Consultant at German TOP 50 family-owned company for further development, international production and development cooperation with Japanese world market leaders and other business development projects (19 months)
- Country Manager ad interim for a British diagnostic products manufacturer. On-site manager leading sales and technical customer service team (field and office) for 10 months)
- Advisory board member in a medium-sized wholesale company during a restructuring phase (9 months)
- Industrial Advisor to a mid-cap private equity firm on a buy-side mandate in connection with a manufacturer of dental and audio materials (5 months)
- Industrial Advisor – buy-side mandate for TOP 10 large cap investment companies (2 months)
Untill 2020
Chairman of the Executive Board
NWD Group rebranded to Plandent, Münster
Wholesale – distribution and services to dentists and labs
ROESER Group of companies, Essen
Distribution and service providers in the field of healthcare
Associate Partner
Theron Advisory Group, Berlin and Cologne
Consulting – strategy and sales project
Managing Director
Dental Group Germany
Henry Schein Dental Deutschland GmbH
Henry Schein Services GmbH, Langen
Distributor of health care products and services
SVP Central Europe & Member of Global Management Group
Coloplast GmbH, Hamburg
Medical devices and homecare
VP and Sales Director Germany
Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices
Since 2001
VP and Head of Division Medical Germany
Paul Hartmann AG, Heidenheim
Medical devices and hygiene products
Professional experience
“What you do more often, you do better!"
>25 years
Leadership experience up to 1,200 employees
20 years
Experience in
10 years
Experience in the trade & service sector
>12 years
As CEO, managing director or board advisor
Unlock the success
How to get there in just five steps
Step 1
Assessment of needs
· Anamnesis and clear agreement with the client on the content, resources, scope and objectives of the mandate.
· The first step in a successful interim assignment is a thorough needs assessment. It is important to understand the specific tasks, objectives and challenges to be addressed by the interim manager.
· This includes defining the required skills and responsibilities of the interim manager.
Step 2
Contract conclusion
· The company (client) and the interim manager conclude a service contract for the interim assignment. If the placement is made via a provider, the interim provider is the company's contractual partner.
· This contract typically covers: The subject matter of the contract, Remuneration, Confidentiality, Documents & use of work tools, Limitation of liability, Insurance, Data protection, Terms of contract and notice periods
· I will be pleased to provide you with a legally compliant draft.
Step 3
Interim mandate begins (kick-off)
· An interim manager is not a traditional employee, but rather an external expert who brings expertise and experience to achieve short-term goals and solve problems. It is therefore essential that the interim manager is introduced to the organization and that the mandate is communicated to all relevant stakeholders in the organization to ensure that the interim manager is effective and achieves the desired results.
Step 4
During the mandate period
· Effective collaboration enables organizations to achieve the best possible results during the interim manager's assignment.
· Clear communication, regular progress meetings and close collaboration between the client and the interim manager are key.
· It is important to provide the interim manager with the necessary resources and support and to remove obstacles that could hinder progress.
Step 5
Closing phase
· The final step of the interim mandate is to evaluate the results achieved and ensure a smooth handover to internal staff, other managers or new job holders.
· This includes documenting and sharing information and lessons learned for future projects or tasks.
· "Do good and talk about it" by expressing your satisfaction on my website or LinkedIn.
What my customers say about me
Clients from various industries report successful collaborations with me.
We always like to work with him

Marcel Rosengarten
Investment Manager NORD Holding
Interim assignments

Peter Cashin
Managing Director (retired) – Huntleigh Healthcare
It's good to have him on your side

Jack Helm
M&A Banker – Clairfield International
Expertise in restructuring,
transformation and sales
On my blog you will find exciting articles and tips on topics like interim management, leadership or my focus sectors.

- Interim Management, Medizintechnik
The future of interim management in medical technology
Frequently asked questions
Interim management (Latin ad interim ‘meanwhile’, ‘for the time being’) is a temporary type of business management. “Management auf Zeit” is an occasionally used German translation for interim management.
Interim managers take responsibility for the results of their work in a line position or on a project. They leave the company or the role they have filled as soon as the problem has been solved, for example once a stable new corporate or divisional management team has been established, or once the project in which they were involved has been completed.
Overall, commissioning an interim manager can be of great benefit to companies. An interim manager can help to overcome difficult tasks, fill gaps in leadership or expertise and capitalize on opportunities. By working with an experienced interim manager, a company can be able to achieve its goals more effectively and faster and return to long-term success.
The duration of interim mandates depends very much on the individual situation. I have worked on interim mandates for various clients for a period of between 5 and >12 months.
As a rule of thumb: For mandates with a term of >9-10 months, the client is well advised to carry out a comparative business calculation. From a project management perspective: No project longer than 9 months. Short project durations produce better results.
Interim managers are usually very experienced executives with broad knowledge and extensive experience in their respective fields.
Successful interim managers usually have a wide range of skills and qualifications. The most important of these include experience in management positions, industry expertise, knowledge of general management, finance, restructuring and sales as well as the ability to act quickly and solve problems.
A successful interim manager must also be able to work well with all stakeholders such as clients, employees, customers and suppliers to maintain clear communication. In addition, an interim manager must have the ability to motivate and inspire employees to achieve the organization’s goals.
There are various reasons why a company should consider assigning an interim manager. One of the main reasons is if the company is facing a difficult task that cannot be handled internally. This may be the case, for example, if a company needs to set up a new business unit, launch a new product or overcome a corporate crisis. In the event of a corporate crisis in particular, I recommend acting immediately, as the room for manoeuvre decreases as the crisis progresses.
Another reason for hiring an interim manager maybe if there is a management or skills gap in the company. In this case, an interim manager can be deployed as a temporary executive to lead the company through the crisis or to further develop the company.
Finally, an interim manager can also be helpful if the company needs to act quickly to capitalize on an opportunity. This may be the case when investing in or acquiring a company.
In this case, an interim manager can be assigned quickly and start work immediately to capitalize on the momentum.

- Wholesale | Online trade
- MedTech
- HealthCare
- Dental
- Mechanical engineering

- Restructuring & Turnaround
- Transformation
- Sales
- M&A

Roles & responsibilities
- Sales Manager
- Interim Project Manager
- Industrial Advisor (M&A, PMI)
- Advisory Board Member

Regions & country experience
- D-A-CH
- UK
- Italy
- Poland
- Czech
Contact me now!
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Bernd-Thomas Hohmann
Contact person
+49 172 3898936
Phone number
Angelmodder Weg 20, 48167 Münster